
“A mixer’s job is to make the song work, not the mix work.” - Chris Lord-Algae


A great record will always start with a great performance. While working with KC, he will provide the environment and vibe to get that top notch performance out of you. Book a session today to create recordings that will last a lifetime.


While creating a record, it is a team effort for everyone that is involved. KC takes pride in his work, and see’s the collaboration involved with you and your record. Both of your names are on the record, and the kind of work that you end with shows he is a part of your creative process.

*In another state but still want to work with KC? Contact his email and discuss sending pre recorded sessions to have them mixed by KC!


From songwriting, to recording, to mixing. Creating a record is a very demanding process. The Mastering portion is the “glue”, the “stamp”, or the “sign seal and deliver”. By no means is a KC a Mastering Engineer, but you will always receive a record that competes with the sound of top notch industry records.